Community Feedback

Community Quarterly Updates

KCGM will host open community sessions, on the second Thursday of every third month. This provides a regular opportunity to meet with operational members of our team, hear project updates and run through the results of our Local Voices surveys. Sessions will be held at the Boulder Bowling Club from 4-5pm. This will be advertised in the local newspaper and on our social media platforms.

Local Voices

KCGM has engaged Voconiq Local Voices – a unique community engagement program developed over 10 years within Australia’s leading science agency, CSIRO – to provide communities neighbouring KCGM’s operations with the opportunity to express their views and experiences.

The Voconiq Local Voices project aims to improve engagement between KCGM and the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community by increasing understanding and generating better relationships and outcomes.

KCGM has committed to using community insights in their decision-making, and while they may not be able to solve every issue raised, the business will be better informed on the things that matter most to your local community.

So have your say about what’s important to you and find out how your community can benefit from the rewards scheme.

Public Interaction Line

KCGM’s 24-hour Public Interaction Line was established in 1993 and both the public and employees are encouraged to use the Public Interaction Line on any matter relating to the operations, including requests, complaints, inquiries and feedback.

The Public Interaction Line (PIL) is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is backed up by an electronic database. The PIL database is a very effective tool for analysing and tracking issues and impacts which are of concern to the community.

All PILs are reviewed on a daily basis and a summary of all enquiries and corrective actions is provided each month to KCGM management.

Click here for the Public Interaction Line and other KCGM contact details